Dear Teachers,
What do “feats of valor” and “feats of humiliation” refer to?
“I enjoyed masques and balls, operas and recitations, feats of valor and feats of humiliation, lectures on alchemy, lectures on theology, and lectures on the art of lecturing.”
The Oxford American Dictionary defines feat as “an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength”. Once you know what valor and humiliation are, I think you can figure it out.
Yes, I know what valor and humiliation are and have looked up my dictionary for a definition of feat as well. But I can’t figure out what “feats of valor/humiliation” refer to. I mean, how can “humiliation” be an achievement? And especially in this context, how can it be an activity to be enjoyed? I don’t understand what kind of activity “feats of valor” are to be enjoyed, either…
It means that someone attempts a feat, and it results in humiliation. Or conversely, someone attempts a feat and it results in great valor. The “of” phrase describes the result of the feat, not what the person wanted or enjoyed from it.
Considering its context, i.e., “I enjoyed masques and balls, operas and recitations, feats of valor and feats of humiliation, lectures on alchemy, lectures on theology, and lectures on the art of lecturing.” I thought feats of valor / humiliation were a kind of activities like masques, balls, operas, recitations and lectures. Is that so? If it is, I can hardly imagine what kind of activities they are. Fighting? Wrestling? And, if it results in humiliation, how can it be enjoyable?
I think the feats of valor and humiliation here are the subjects of some dramas he’s watching. You can see that all of the things he’s describing are some kind of performance or presentation.
Hi I was just searching valiant on the net, and come across this discussion.
I can see how feats of valor and feats of humiliation would be something someone would enjoy, to either participate in or to find interesting to watch.
Think of the Olympic games, full of feats of valor, and often times when unsuccessful they can be quite humiliating.
I saw this the other day.
It’s both a feat of valor and a feat of humiliation as Jake Brown, a skateboarder attempts a feat of valor, but it turns into a feat of humiliation as he crashes, but then he rises again to prove once and for all - He’s a very valiant man.
I hope that’s helpful…