CEA (carcion-embryonic antigen) , one such marker, is released in normal amounts by glandular tissue but in increased amounts by tumor cells. Increases production of milk-fat globule protein, CA15-3 , another marker , is more sensitive test for breast cancer. A test similar to CA 15-3 is BR 27.29.
Blood cholestrol and lipid metabolism measurements are also useful in monitoring general health.
Which part do you not understand? If you do not understand any of it, then you should select simpler reading materials.
hello Mr.Micawber
well, this is not a reading selection, i’m a translator. it has been decided for me to translate this book & as you know medical books are difficult to be translated since there is no agreed upon terms.
thank you anyway.
How come you think there are no agreed on terms? I would say that Medical English has a lot of agreed terminology.
What do you use for cross reference? Do you have a medical dictionary?
marker, glandular tissue and tumor are words that have agreed, set meanings.
hi to u too,
you have got me wrong. I am translating from English into Arabic, & when I have said there is no agreed on terms I meant that for such cases, medical in here, we use the English term. we dont have an Arabic equivalent for these terms which make the translation into Arabic a bit difficult.
Well, I’m afraid that I cannot say very much about your medical terminology, but I can fix the grammar & punctuation a bit:
CEA (carcinoma-embryonic antigen), one such marker, is released in normal amounts by glandular tissue but in increased amounts by tumor cells. Increased production of milk-fat globule protein CA15-3, another marker , is a more sensitive test for breast cancer. A test similar to CA 15-3 is BR 27.29.
Blood cholesterol and lipid metabolism measurements are also useful in monitoring general health.
thank you Mister Micawber for correcting grammar & punctuation. you know when someone is writing in a hurry
Hi Ta.qUe.Ri.a
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