Material on the Internet should be censored or controlled to protect the public

I think that material on the Internet should be censored or controlled. Nowadays, people can easily access to the Internet. Many materials on the Internet are very useful, but there are some harmful materials which should be controlled.

One reason I believe that some material on the Internet should be controlled is that children should be prohibited to access some inappropriate website. People should have a freedom of information, but children are too young to know what the right thing is. For example, children should not be allowed to access the porno website. They are of young ages that have a lot of interesting activities to do rather than surfing this kind of website. This control could make children spend their time worthily.

Another reason I think some material on the Internet should be controlled is that there are some piracy on the Internet. Internet is a free zone which is not owned by government or company. This means that everyone can say or post everything in there. However, downloading licensed material from the Internet without the owner’s permission is a violation of right. For instance, one can download pictures, music, or movies which are not permitted by the owner. This piracy should be controlled because it is illegal.

To sum up, material in the Internet should be controlled to avoid a violation of right, and to protect children from inappropriate websites.

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I think that material on the Internet should be censored or controlled. Nowadays, people can easily access to the Internet. Many materials on the Internet are very useful, but there are some harmful materials which should be controlled.
One reason I believe that some material on the Internet should be controlled is that children should be prohibited to access some inappropriate websites. People should have a freedom of information, but children are too young to know what the right thing is. For example, children should not be allowed to access the porno websites. They are of young ages that have a lot of interesting activities to do rather than surfing this kind of website. This control could make children spend their time worthily LEARNING WORTHWHILE SUBJECTS.
Another reason I think some material on the Internet should be controlled is that there are some piracy SITES on the Internet. THE Internet is a free zone which is not owned by ANY government or company. This means that everyone can say or post everything AND ANYTHING ON there. However, downloading licensed material from the Internet without the owner’s permission is a violation of THEIR rightS.
For instance, one /can/IS ABLE TO/ download pictures, music, or movies which are not permitted by the owner. This piracy should be controlled because it is illegal.

To sum up, material ON the Internet should be controlled to avoid a violation of right, and to protect children from inappropriate websites.
A much better essay Omo.

Kitos. 8/10