"mass" and "massive" meaning and usage?

In English words, “mass” and “massive”,
“mass” is a noun and “massive” is an adjective however,
when a noun, “mass” is used functioning like an adjective
such as:

  1. “the mass retirement of babby-boomers”,

what is the difference between “mass” and “massive” in their meanings?

Can we also say:

  1. “the massive retirement of babby-boomers”

instead as the same meaning as 1?

Hi Phoo

My opinion:

1. “the mass retirement of baby-boomers”
The meaning here is similar to “the retirement of all baby-boomers at about the same time”.

For me, “mass retirement” has a feeling of not only “retirement on a large scale”, but also “all (of the baby-boomers)” as well as practically ‘simultaneously’.

2. “the massive retirement of baby-boomers”
The meaning of “massive”: a very large number, but not necessarily all. “Massive” often has to do with great strength or bulk and/or large scale, but doesn’t have the same feeling of “all” of something. Theoretically speaking, something could be “massive” but at the same time might also be only be 10% of the whole.

I would prefer the first sentence.


I’ve got it! Thanks a lot.