Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily...

Dear Kitos! If you have time, could you check this essay, please?
Thank you very much!

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific details and reasons to support your answer.

I strongly believe that a homework is an essential part of education and getting an extra work at home help us become more organized, diligent and memorize material easily.

It is not a secret that practice makes perfect. It is simply mean that by repeating something over and over again we are learning that by heart and have no trouble to perform that next time. For example, at school we are learning something new and teacher assigned some extra work for as to do at home in case we not quite understand the material , or simply to sharpen our skills. Also, when we perform something with ease it gives us satisfaction.

Additionally, every day homework teaches as plan our time wisely and be more organized. Kids get accustomed to homework and after awhile it become a routine for them and did not seams burdensome. By spending some time dong our work we learning how to plan time wisely, not only for fun, but also for necessities.
Furthermore, learning something always involve a great deal of effort and hard work and every day repetition helps us become diligent and overcome all obstacles in the future.

In conclusion, starting at school and further in the future, by doing homework we are learning how to do job more efficiently, easily and more effectively.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a university adviser and a student

I strongly believe that a homework is an essential part of education and getting an extra work at home helpS us become more organized, diligent and ABLE TO memorize material MORE easily.
It is not a secret that practice makes perfect. It is simply meanS that by repeating something over and over again we are learning that by heart(,) and have no trouble to REMEMBER that next time.

For example, at school we are learning something new and teacher assigned some extra work for as to do at home in case we HAVE not quite understOOD the material , or simply to sharpen our skills. Also, when we perform something with ease it gives us CONFIDENCE.

Additionally, every-day homework teaches as US TO plan our time wisely and be more organized. CHILDREN get accustomed to homework(,) and after awhile it becomeS a routine for them and DOES not SEEM burdensome. By spending some time doIng our work we ARE learning how to plan time wisely, not only for fun, but also for necessities.

Furthermore, learning something always involveS a great deal of effort and hard work(,) and every day repetition helps us become diligent and overcome all obstacles in the future.

In conclusion, starting at school and further in the future, by doing homework we are learning how to do OUR jobS more efficiently, easily and more effectively.

A very well composed essay Id. I liked it.

Kitos. 8/10

Dear Kitos,
Thank you for so fast reply.
What is your working hours? :slight_smile:
It is very hard to overestimate your work on this forum, and help for everybody.
Thanks again .

I have no working hours. My waking to retiring are shared between this thread and my three dogs. It makes for a busy and satisfying day. Not much else I can do at my age.
Take care ID.
