Looking at examples in datas?

I’ve listened to this a couple of times and it does sound to me that Hilary Mason actually says ‘datas’ which sounds totally off instead of ‘data’ at 0:24. What do you hear, ‘data’ or ‘datas’? You can listen to the clip at 50% or even 25% of normal speed and you will clearly hear her say “datas”.

By the way, this video is great for several reasons. One is that it shows that women can explain and understand machine learning at least as well as men, if not better. Interestingly, the expert at level 5 is a German. :wink:

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I think I’d give her the benefit of the doubt, assuming that she is anticipating the next word “such”.


Thanks, that would make sense. What do you think of the video in general?

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What Arinker said. The word data and such are almost slurred together.


Wow, now that you’ve given the only logical explanation for the “s” sound, I’ve listened again for probably the tenth time or so, and now it’s perfectly clear that the “s” is not the last letter of “data” but the first letter of “such” so I’ll move this thread into the ‘Listening’ section…

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Sibilant sounds don’t record well. She uses several in the first twenty seconds. S is one of the most common letters in the English language (S, E and T are the most common). But the S sound is rarely accented. In the first twenty seconds she uses patterns, levels and as, all of which taper off and might be hard to pick up. I think the words Mason, scientist and ask are easier to pick on since the S is in the middle.