Let's put things into perspective.

can you help me to understand the meaning of “perspective”?

  1. Let’s keep things in perspective.
  2. Let’s put things in perspective.

in perspective(not distorting a thing’s relative importance).
So by your question it has some meaning like this:
Let’s keep things (in order).
2. Let’s put thıngs (in order).

Thanks Ebenezer Adu, I think meaning of these sentences are lot different from above one. can you help me to understand these too.

  1. Seeing how difficult their lives are has really put my problems into perspective.
  2. Talking to others can often help to put your own problems into perspective.
  3. I hope we can all keep this issue in perspective.
  4. It is important not to let things get out of perspective.
  5. She lost all sense of perspective.

To put your problems into perspective is to compare them with other people’s problems and realize that yours aren’t as grave and theirs.
For example you bombed an English test and think that it’s the end of the world. Then you read about people who battle pancreatic cancer and that puts your puny problem into perspective.

By the same token, to keep something in perspective is not to overestimate/underestimate it. If you lose a sense of perspective you no longer assess the situation rationally.

Please note that as OTS pointed out, the expressions are ‘to put things into perspective’ and ‘keep something in perspective’.

Ebenezer Adu, we would to ask you to answer a question only if you are sure you know what you are talking about. Looking at your post (number 2), you caused even more confusion.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening lectures: A university lecture by a professor of History[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks Ebenezer Adu, I think meaning of these sentences are lot different from above one. can you help me to understand these too.

  1. Seeing how difficult their lives are has really put my problems into perspective.
  2. Talking to others can often help to put your own problems into perspective.
  3. I hope we can all keep this issue in perspective.
  4. It is important not to let things get out of perspective.
  5. She [b]lost all sense of perspective.

Hi house, it seems ots has explain but left out one thing:(out of perspective).

If you get something out of perspective. you fail to judge its real importance in relation to everything else. Example:

  1. I let things get out of perspective.

Son Eben.

Thanks a lot everyone. This word is difficult for me to understand. It’ll take perseverance and little or long time to understand every aspect of this word properly. but few meanings are very easy to understand, and they are,

  1. I learnt to draw buildings in perspective.
  2. These changes help me to get a new perspective on my life.
  3. These evidence against him put new perspective on the case.
  4. At the beginning, people wanted to see the world from bird’s perspective. They tried many things to accomplish that objective. Eventually, they built a plane.
  5. The movie gives a very pessimistic perspective (outlook) on human nature.