How does the phrase “let’s grab coffee” sound to you? I know that the noun coffee is primarily uncountable but I still think “Let’s grab a coffee” sounds much more natural than “let’s grab coffee”. So, in my opinion “let’s grab some coffee” and “Let’s grab a coffee” are perfectly acceptable while “Let’s grab coffee” is not.
What is your take on this?
To me, “let’s grab coffee” sounds fine, either as a shortening of “let’s grab some coffee” or akin to the phrase “let’s grab lunch”.
As for “let’s grab a coffee”, I think that I’ve only heard that in Europe. Typically in the US, a restaurant - except for a specialty place such as Starbucks - will give you unlimited refills as the coffee is generally made by the 12 cup pot, rather than by individual servings.
“Let’s grab a cup of coffee” is certainly fine.
So, would you say that the phrase “let’s grab beer” instead of “let’s grab a beer” is fine too?
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coffee /ˈkɒfi/
noun [mass noun]
- A hot drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of a tropical shrub: a cup of coffee | [asmodifier] a coffee pot .• [count noun] a cup of coffee: we went out for a coffee.• coffee seeds roasted and ground, or a powder made from them: a jar of instant coffee.• a pale brown colour like that of milky coffee: coffee-coloured skin .
The above information is form Oxford Dictionary of English. It indicates that “coffee”, as a count noun, means “a cup of coffee”. So 'let’s grab a coffee" makes sense. Informally, either “let’s grab coffee” or “let’s grab some coffee” is fine.
Both are acceptable, @Torsten.
In modern usage sentences like ‘Let’s have a tea’, ‘Let’s have a coffee’ and ‘Let’s have an icecream’ etc are very common. Here the phrase ‘cup of’ is justified as being implied.
It would be “let’s grab a beer”, even if everyone knows that the intent is to grab more than one.
“Let’s grab coffee” is fine.
“Let’s grab a beer” is fine.
“Let’s grab beer” is not fine.
Why? Because that’s how people say it. This is obviously casual conversation. So in my opinion the way people actually say it overrules any minor nuances of grammar.
I like this explanation of yours because it shows that there is no formal institution that creates ‘grammar rules’. It’s rather that society is constantly changing and evolving and those changes are reflected in our language.
It might be awkward with beer because most Americans think of beer more as a counting situation. Honestly, in most beverage situations, “some” would be preferred. “Some beers” or “a beer”.
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No American would ever say “a tea”. Unless it’s like Laura Linney". LOL
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If ‘
two coffees’ is acceptable, why can’t we say
a coffee,
a tea,
a beer etc?
As I have already said, the phrase
a cup of or
a bottle of is unexpressed.
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Context is always important.
I think we are dealing with 3 slightly different definitions here. Basically the M-W definitions are:
- A beverage made from coffee beans
- A cup of coffee
- Coffee hour - an occasion where beverages are served.
I think “Lets grab coffee” is more along the lines of #3, meaning “Let’s go get a beverage of some type and sit down and talk about things.”
In a diner, the waitress will probably ask “What would you like to drink?”
Responses could be:
“I’ll have coffee”
“We’ll have two coffees” If ordering for yourself and another person.
These, I believe, are more in line with definition #1, meaning my beverage of choice is coffee.
“A cup of coffee” would certainly also work, though you’re probably referring to definition #1 rather than #2, which is specifically one cup of coffee.
Of course, if there is some reason to emphasize the serving, “a cup of coffee” still works.
BTW, in the U.S. iced tea is probably more popular that hot tea, especially in the South. If you just order tea, the server might ask you which kind. And then you have the choice of sweet or unsweet tea.
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