Left high and dry

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-67 “Dry as you like”, question 6

We all set out together early in the morning in different cars but ours broke down and nobody bothered to look for us so we were left and dry.

(a) up
(b) top
(c) on
(d) high

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-67 “Dry as you like”, answer 6

We all set out together early in the morning in different cars but ours broke down and nobody bothered to look for us so we were left high and dry.

Correct answer: (d) high

Your answer was: [color=green]correct

what’s the meaning of this?

If you are left high and dry, you are cannot move any more.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Carnaval Venecia[YSaerTTEW443543]