Learning to construct sentences with the words, familiarize, work mode and etc

The restaurant has been closed for a week and has just reopened.

I was on vacation for a week and and it will take me a while to get back into work mode and back into work routine.

It will take new employee a few weeks to familiarize with the work environment and to fully understand their responsibilities/job scopes.

It is first day at work so I am still feeling my way. I need a little bit more time to understand what my job scopes are and to familiarize myself with the workplace culture.

Did I phrase the above sentences correctly? Please advise.

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The restaurant has been closed for a week and has just reopened.

I’ve been on vacation for a week, and it’s going to take me a while to get back into work mode and routine.

New employees will need a few weeks to become familiar with the work environment and fully understand their duties or scope of responsibilities.

It’s my first day at work and I’m still finding my way around. I need a little more time to understand what my responsibilities are and to familiarize myself with the workplace culture.

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