Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, a

Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

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Only certain thing in the world is the “Uncertainty”. Human being has been blessed with the power to think beyond the limitation. It is human tendency to step ahead in order to improve his life cycle. World have witnessed the journey of Monkey-Man to the Technical-Man. And with the civilization of the humankind, it is highly essential to maintain quietude and peace in the society. The situation demands for the governing authority, which can control the negative human activities, that imbalance the social environment and humiliates the tranquility of the society. As a results, Lows and rules has been established in order to protect the humanity from destructive elements. The speaker here stated that laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, time and places. I hereby present my views to acquiesce the statement given.

From the decades, laws have been protecting the human rights against the vicious activities. But, as the circumstances changes with the passage of time, there must be change in a low accordingly to maintain the serenity amongst people. Take an instance of the issue of Child-marriages in India. In earlier days, people used to fix the marriages of children at the time of their birth, which was totally absurd tradition. Eventually, the law for the minimum age of the child to get married was applied. The situations have been changed; life style of people is being revolutionized; and so, there must be set new rules and regulations, for the new society, which can justify the present questions arisen.

Similarly, years ago, there was no rule for witness protection in the Indian constitution. Witnesses were being shot down, influenced by the powerful people to change the statements. This was totally injustice and unfair to those, who were poor and helpless. As a result, a low for witness protection was designed, under which the witnesses were given protection against the puissant people. If the laws were not versatile, then the situation might have got worsen and more and more innocent people might have been victims of the prejudice.

Contradictory, too much flexibility might cause the opposite effect to the society. The flexibility of laws must not mean that accused might flee away from the penalty. It just means that there is a need to add some laws for the betterment of the public. The rules can be modified, but the authority must make people follow them strictly. It is government duty to give justice to the victims in a short period of time, the justice delayed is like justice denied.

In sum, Governing authority must analyze the current constitution of justice, and find out the loopholes present in the system. There must be every possible effort done in order to improve the quality of the justice to the people. After all , the government is of the people, by the people and for the people.