Are you a lastworder (a new creation of mine freshly minted this morning at 7.30 GMT)? By that I ask whether you always have to have the last word in every discussion/argument/debate or whether you say your piece, make a point and then let it lie there.
Oh dear! There’s me claiming I’d just created a new word and old Mother Google has just proved me wrong.
I used to be a bit of a lastworder, but participating in discussions on this forum has run rings around me. There are more adamant forces out there that keep coming back like rubber bras bouncing on big mamas stuck in full swing on trampolines.
Not every situation follows our certain scenario that makes it feasible for us to leave the last word. That is I am not a lastworder for political discussions… But if a subject of a discourse answers my profound knowledge and competence I’d not be chicken and perform the role of the so-called lastworder with the greatest pleasure.
What would you say - could (roughly) 1161 posts of a member who’s joined the forum on 12 February give any indication of said person’s obsessive last-wordiness?