Keep old friend or make new friend

Do you agree or disagree with following statement? It is more important to keep your old friend than it is to make new friends.
All of us are living in a world. Every day we meet new people at work, street, and anywhere. We talk them. I believe that it is important to make new friends because we get good benefits of them. Learn new things, new experiences, and get opportunity to know a new culture.
First, when we make a new relationship, it means that it is a new door to world. You can learn new things or skills that you have never known before. For example, I have a Spanish friend that she motivates me to learn Spanish language. She is trying to teach me now.
Second, we can have new experience with new friends that old friends have never known about that. New friend can talk about their experiences. For example, May be they know a restaurant in new place that you have never gone there, or they have a friendly group to do new avengers. You can join them.
Third, finding new friends are good opportunity for knowing new cultures. For example, when you go to college or university, you find new friends that they came around of the world. I like to know about their cultures, foods, and events that never old friends do not get this opportunity to you.
In conclusion, there are good advantages for making a new relationship like learn new things, new experiences, and get opportunity to know a new culture.
please check my esseay. thank you

TOEFL listening discussions: Why is the man taking this course?

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Hi Ladansh, I thought this was pretty good, a little better than your other essay I checked today. You have addressed the topic well and given some specific examples. Having some longer examples by adding even more detail would be a good way to boost your word count. Once again, make sure when you sentence has a list that the list has a parallel structure. You also have quite a few mistakes in grammar and usage. I think I would rate this one a 3 out of 5.

thanks a lot for helping me, how can i improve my grammar?