Job’s wife told:“Curse God and Die!”
From the Bible this is one of the gruesome proverb ;very unpleasant and filling me always horror because it is connected with death and injury.
I never thought that once one of my virtual friends will say to me something similar. She told me after writing to each-other 45-45 PM and I told her my problem. Her answer was: “Curse God and Die!”- not ‘word for word’ but its sense of her sentence was almost same.
I wrote this because my friend is very cheerful, she forgot easily what she had written to me. I couldn’t collect myself, I can’t get over it. It haunts me as an obsessed thought.
I very angry with myself why my tongue is wagging. Why do I speak about my private anxiety, why I can’t speak about neutral things???
I can blame only myself!!!
It was strange for me that you sent me a pm answer on Mon Nov 05, 2012 18:52 pm . My letter’s date was Nov 05, 2012 17:37 pm. How is possible that you found my letter and could write an answer after one hour later? You couldn’t receive any notification of it because this is a monologue about my happenings and about my stupidity, I didn’t mention your name.
Even one sentence from your letter:
“Believe me, it isn’t easy to console you.” I think your sentence was not a consolation for me.
I can answer that it wasn’t easy to console you either for me. But I always tried my best to do it. If anybody knows what about I speak , only you have to know.
I wrote about a film its title Iranium is about Iran. The film begins that not the Iranian people but the politics is the problem.
Before the Iranian film “Separation” was awarded by Oscar the Iranian and Israeli artists were talking:
"Two nights before the Oscar ceremony, Israeli and Iranian artists came together in a show of peace, said Lior Ashkenazi, a star of the Israeli foreign language Oscar entry “Footnote”.
“At the Academy event in honor of the foreign films, we sat, spoke and all the veils came off,” Ashkenazi told Israel’s Army Radio. “They are warm hearted people. We invited them to Tel Aviv and they invited us to Tehran.”
On the Forum I got to know an Iranian guy who became a friend of mine. We wrote to each other very sincerely about our life. In one of my letter I wrote my obsession, I don’t know why. He answered a few words of consolation.
In Iran there is a terrible situation. Millions of people go to the street and stagnate: “Death to America!” “Death to Israel.” They mass-produces the bombs etc. That’s why I had told to Torsten that Obama is before a very difficult 4 years. Today I heard several times that the Republicans want to help the Democrats in the next 4 years.
But this is the mass and we don’t forget the individual who cannot agree with the mass. As I read lately that young Iranians went to Israel and put bills on the walls: they had "We are friend"noted.
There is something what I have make clear. This illness is what my husband has incurable. Its name is COPD. The doctor doesn’t keep us in frightening and she says that she knows that we read everything on Internet so there is no sense to tell lies for us.
Next time I will copy what the Internet write about this illness. Unfortunately it doesn’t give us any hope. We know everything only we don’t know the day.
COPD usually gradually gets worse over time and can lead to death. The rate at which it gets worse varies among individuals. The factors that predict a poorer prognosis are:[4]
Severe airflow obstruction (low FEV1)
Poor exercise capacity
Shortness of breath
Significantly underweight or overweight
Complications like respiratory failure or cor pulmonale
Continued smoking
Frequent acute exacerbations
I highlighted the answer why this illness is dragging on for several years. Of course with breathing cortisones (steroids), antibiotics. As these medicines are not cheap unfortunately there are people who are not dragging on this illness because of lack of money they die sooner.
2.If your doctor suspects that your COPD is very severe (you may have bluish fingernails or lips, for example), he may order a blood test to find out how much oxygen and carbon dioxide are in your arterial blood in order to understand how well your lungs are working.
Different laboratories generate different reports: Our laboratory measures in numbers, they examine :
-you are not getting enough oxygen
-you are not getting rid of enough carbon dioxide
If the number goes below 30 there is a brochure which shows to everybody the values from stem to stern. Low levels may mean you are not getting enough oxygen, you are unable intake enough oxygen. Below 30 the death any time can take place it isn’t sure that the reason of the death will be asphyxia, it can be the collapse of blood circulation or the kidneys stop working.
So your second question isn’t true. There are prospects in the TB sanatorium, you can read everything on Internet or in Medical books. But the doctor is open-minded and if you can ask,she answers.
3.Regards the doctor who is recovering my husband she does her best as he would be one of his relatives. He is very conscientious. My husband thought of transplantation but our doctor told that they make transplantation till 65 years-old. He is 78 so he can’t give a transplantation. If this doctor wouldn’t be so conscientious with my husband, he would have died for many years ago. She is anxious for him in the same way than me. So it isn’t true what you say that easy to say that it could happen any time. No it is very difficult for her. So we can’t blame her. We are very grateful to her.
(The man who transports the oxygen for him he wonders because he says that the most people whose blood gas level goes under 40 they are in bed all day and they breath oxygen. My husband is an exception because he breathes oxygen only at night.“Worse varies among individuals”)
This Illness gradually gets worse over time and can lead to death.
Life also leads to death but you don’t have to think of it every day. If we are well we don’t think of death though we approach it every day.
I stop speaking about this forever. I don’t know whether somebody interested in my problem. Only one excuse remained for me that I am exhausted me also.