It's good for you

Hello everybody,

One guest wrote: ‘grammar is good for you’. I totally agree with them, but now I’m not sure you normally use this expression unless you mean ‘healthy’ or to congratulate someone (good for you/good on you!) :?:.

Hi Conchita,

Yes, you’re right the first meaning refers to health. We say fruit is good for you as you can see in the expression: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Grammar is good for you is obviously written/said in a joking/ironic way.

Just some thoughts

P S I added ‘the apple a day’ saying because I know you like collecting phrases!


Really, Alan, you must have broken your own record! I had hardly finished sending my question when I got your answer. What are you doing working on a Sunday, anyway? ( :stuck_out_tongue: ). British weather must be up to its old tricks again – not that it’s any better down here, mind you.

Anyway, thanks a lot.

This sentence doesn’t sound like very good English to me now. I think I’ve just translated it literally from the Spanish and French way of putting it. Shouldn’t it be: ‘How come you are working on a Sunday?’ or ‘Why are you working…?’. However, these don’t imply what I really meant, which was: ‘Why aren’t you doing anything more interesting?’. Or maybe it is good English after all. :?

Hi Conchita,

I don’t know what you’re worrying about - it’s perfectly acceptable and idiomatic. Quite honestly, I’m very impressed with the ease with which you write English.
