It will be interesting...

Google следит за каждым шагом пользователя
Программа локального поиска Google Desktop Search, предварительная версия которой вышла на прошлой неделе, была резко раскритикована экспертами сразу после тестирования. Многие специалисты в области информационных технологий сходятся во мнении, что программа, обеспечивая удобный поиск информации на отдельно взятом компьютере, фактически шпионит за пользователем.

This article I have read today

Hi Thinker,

Please read the directions to our forum again.

As you know we are here to practise and improve our [color=blue]English. There are people on our forum from all around the world. How would you react if someone posted an article here in Arabic, Chinese, Finish or any other language? I understand that your mother tongue is Russian and there certainly are people on this forum you might be able to read texts in Russian too.

We are open to discuss any topic here at [color=blue] as long as the conversation is in [color=blue]English so that [color=blue]everybody can participate.

Thanks for your understanding,

TOEIC listening, talks: Giving boarding information to train passengers[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten, there are many Russian people. Let Slava make the room for Russians.
And we will practice English better and better.

Hey thinker!!!
Thanx for the information!!! Where did you find it by the way?? Very interesting))) So, are you Russian either??? Nice)) Me too)))

Hi! You think properly. I am Russian.
I found this article in the site