It is raining VERSUS It has been raining


I would like to know if there is any difference between the given sentences!

1- It is raining here since morning.
2- It has been raining here since morning.


At least three or four times I tried to edit the typo in the topic/ subject of this thread…but it just wouldn’t do! Could anyone explain why?

It has been raining here since morning. is Ok
The action began in the past and still is going on.The pointer is since

Hi Tom

Have you checked with Mr. Swan regarding the use of since with the present continuous?

I’d only say something like this: “We’ll have to postpone the picnic since it’s raining.” (since = because in this case) :wink:

Your sentence is correct with the present perfect continuous.
It has been raining here since morning. (since indicates the starting point in time)
