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It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.
Defining one’s self is cumulative and complex procedure which lasts long till one’s demise. Knowing one’s self includes identifying characteristics, hobby, nature, his actions and reactions, role in society and many other crucial factors. Though, some may believe that person’s characteristics can be defined when he stands as a singular unit, but they fail to realize that society is established when such units are united. Undoubtedly, society plays inevitable role in developing our individuality. Hence, i tend to construe with speaker’s claim that social groups can be considered as a primary factor when it comes to defining ourselves.
Journey of our life starts with our birth, then we are judged in every phase of our life. In childhood, our intellectuality is measured by ding of our performance in our academics. When entered in their teenage, maturity is defined on the scales of behavior and manners. Then he is judged as a daughter or brother, as a parent, as a life partner, as a successful person in their professionalism etc. The person is analyzed, criticized and defined in his each and every stage of his life by people. If a child possess prowess in studies, he is recognized as an ingenious student, but if he fails to take responsibilities of his family, he turns out to be a looser. Hence, it is society that determines moral or ethical values of any individual, as that person is indivisible part of that society.
Moreover, society is crucial factor for any person’s identification. People are categorized on scales of their cast, region or nationality. Take an instance of any student participating in any foreign conference, he would first allow public to know his name with his nationality, for example Mr. Rahul Sharma from India. Or when any beauty is participating in fashion competition, she would be acknowledged as Ms. America of Ms. U.K. This undoubtedly vindicates my view for role of social groups in any one’s persona. Clearly, even with the globalization and advancement of civilization, our globe is divided into many region and sub-region. And two people from two different civilizations will never have same characteristics. You cannot expect from an Indian to be verisimilar with an American and vise a versa. Social groups does play important role developing any personality.
Even though social groups affect vividly on any individuality, defining our self includes self-evaluation process equally. One has to determine their nature, their likes and dislikes, weaknesses and strengths, pros and cons etc. People will only see whatever you make them see. So it is must for everyone to deep into their soul and define their personality before any one defines it for you.
Recapitulating all the aspects, social groups are indivisible part of human life. Directly or indirectly, a person’s social life puts very strong impact on his persona. And hence there is nothing wrong in accepting that our identification with social group defines ourselves.
TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a university student and a professor in the professor’s office