It is better for governments to spend their funds on the exploration of outer spa

It is better for governments to spend their funds on the exploration of outer space than on earthly matters. Do u agree or disagree?

There is a debate on whether investing a lot of money on studying of outer space is more imperative works than taking care of worldly challenges. Some people not only argue that investments of out of the spaces are not an emergency case, but also they have required their government to allocate same amounts of money to the basic needs. However, I strongly believe that studying of the solar system and others cosmoses is the most precious projects.

First of all, the earth, we have been living for a long time ago, considers an organism as animals and plants, because our planet receives or gives considerable effects to outer space, such as the moon and the sun as symbiosis relationship. For example, the moon influences on behaviors of plants, animals and biological phenomenons of humanity. Moreover, according to recent research reports, the moon deeply related with emotions of humans. In another case, the sun emitted a tremendous ultraviolet and electromagnetic energy to the earth. As a result, these dangerous effects can threaten with survival of mankind and all being in the earth. Therefore, it deserved to spend vast amounts of money to investigate the out of space.

Moreover, scientists can predict to change of the earth’s environments by studying the solar system, because there are many planets in the solar system. For instance, as researchers inspecting the planet’s shifting of environments, they can expect the changing of the earth and the becoming challenges, such as an impact of a small planet and changes of climate. Especially, the development of science and technology through space exploration can help many people who are undergoing a serious disease, because it also related biomedical science and nanomaterials teachnoloies, such as drug delivery system. Also, it can help to protect the earth from unexpected environment changes, such as volcano explosion. Consequently, studying of the solar system has obvious reasons as spending a lot of money.

In conclusion, as I have mentioned that effects of out of the earth are the most important fact in order to survive humans and beings. Thus, the government has to spend money much more than before.

Dear. Kito

Thank for your review. I know what u worry about my work and I fully recognized many awkward errors in my works. However, it is very difficult to modify my workiing style and imagination. Because, I don’t have a chance to talk with foregin friends and it’s very limited in my country to speak and write by English. To sad…But, I believe I will achieve my goal.

Anyway, I deeply thank for your recommends and advices.

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It is better for governments to spend their funds on the exploration of outer space than on earthly matters. Do u agree or disagree?

There is a debate on whether investing a lot of money on studying of outer space is more imperative work than taking care of worldly challenges. Some people not only argue that investments IN out of the space are not an emergency case, but also they have required their government to allocate THE same amount of money to the basic needs OF PEOPLE. However, I strongly believe that studying of the solar system and others cosmoses is the MORE precious project.

First of all, the earth IN WHICH we have been living for a long time ago, considers an organism as animals and plants, because our planet receives or gives considerable effects to outer space, such as the moon and the sun as symbiosis relationship. For example, the moon influences on behaviors of plants, animals and biological phenomenons of humanity. Moreover, according to recent research reports, the moon IS deeply related with THE emotions of humans. In another case, the sun emitS a tremendous ultraviolet and electromagnetic energy to the earth. As a result, these dangerous effects can threaten THE survival of mankind and all beingS ON the earth. Therefore, it deserveS vast amounts of money BEING SPENT to investigate OUTER space.

Moreover, scientists can predict A change IN the earth’s environments by studying the solar system, because there are many planets in the solar system. For instance, as researchers inspecting the planet’s shifting of environments, they can expect the changing of the earth and the coming challenges, such as an impact of a small planet and changes of climate. Especially, the development of science and technology through space exploration can help many people who are undergoing a serious disease, because it also related biomedical science and nano-materials TECHNOLOGY, such as drug delivery systemS. Also, it can help to protect the earth
from unexpected environmentAL changes, such as volcanIC explosionS. Consequently, studying of the solar system has obvious reasons FOR spending a lot of money.

In conclusion, as I have mentioned that effects of out of the earth are the most important fact FOR THE survivAL OF human-beings. Thus, the government has to spend much more money than before.

My dear friend Dong Jin. You don’t have to speak to English people, all you need do is access English newspapers on-line. You will see all the English writing you wish to see.

Kitos. 7/10