Is this possible ?

there are two question that i want to ask.

  1. John was going to London now. is this appropriate ?

  2. Can we make a sentence begin with " I is …". ?

  1. No, because you have confused the past tense (going) with a word indicating something in the present (now).
    These are possible:
    John is going to London now.
    John was going to London then.

  2. Not a correct sentence, no. The correct singular first person present tense form of the verb ‘to be’ is:
    I am…

Yes I understand madam, but I have heard from my friend who have visited England and heard about that sentence.
and He ask me if that sentences are corect or not in gramatically.
Anyway thank you for your help madam.

The only context where that could be correct is in a narrative such as.
We didn’t think he could get the time to come, but then we were told that John was going to London now (after all).

Can “I is…” be some kind of slag or local dialect? I believe I came across cases similar to “I is…” in one or two books in dialogues of low educated characters.

Yes, it is slang just as ‘I says’ is.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Weather forecast announcing hot and dry conditions[YSaerTTEW443543]