Is this eBook any good: GRE Secrects by Morrision Media LLC?

Has anybody tried this software called GRE secrets? If so what are your opinions? Is it worth it? Thank you

Hi Sharon,

You probably are referring to GRE Secrects by Morrision Media LLC? This is an ebook that contains insider information on how to prepare for the GRE. Is that what you are talking about?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: What did you do with the requisition form?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Yes that is exactly what I am talking about. Do you know anything about it? Thank you

I personally have a copy of TOEIC Secrets by the same company and must admit the information is quite good as it gives you detailed guidline on how to improve your TOEIC score. As GRE Secrets has the same format I’d venture to say that it will be worthwile purchasing if you want to prepare for the GRE. However, the book doesn’t contain any language or other exercises, it concentrates on test taking strategies and how to prepare for the exam.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: Could you tell me how to get to the Center Building?[YSaerTTEW443543]

hey did u purchase the GRE Secrets …can u explain ur view on that …if ur having can u nt upload it …or mail me…


Why should a total stranger give it to you for free when he had to buy it?!

I don’t get you people sometimes.