Is there any other verbs that cannot be used in Present Tenses

Hi, Is there an other verbs that cannot be used in Present Tenses like ‘‘hear’’ as i found out not ‘‘hearing’’

Hi Khurshid

There are verbs that are rarely or not often used in continuous tenses (i.e. they are mostly used in simple tenses), and these are often called “non-continuous verbs”. This is only a general guideline, not an absolute rule. Have a look here for examples of such verbs: … inuous.htm

Is that you in the pic Amy? You look beautiful :slight_smile:

Hi Amy, Thank you for your help. The link you gave had very usefull informations.

best regards, Khurshid :slight_smile:

Hi Daemon

Yes, that was me. Thank you for the nice compliment!
However, I’ve now changed my picture – I’ve now uploaded my “Halloween avatar”. That’s also a picture of me. :lol:

My other picture will return after Halloween. :wink:

You should say are and not is :lol: