Is scale the same as skin?

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #130 [color=blue]“Vocabulary Practice: Bottlenose Dolphins”, question 9

Dolphins don’t have like fish but, instead, have smooth, rubbery skin.

(a) surfs
(b) fur
(c) scales

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #130 [color=blue]“Vocabulary Practice: Bottlenose Dolphins”, answer 9

Dolphins don’t have scales like fish but, instead, have smooth, rubbery skin.

Correct answer: (c) scales

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
Dolphins don’t have fur like fish but, instead, have smooth, rubbery skin.

is scale same like skin?

No, scales are the thin plates of hard material that cover the skin of many fish and reptiles.

I got it :slight_smile: