Is money the root of all evil?

Is money the root of all evil?

There is a saying that money is the root of all evil. What do you think about it?

kind regards.

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I don’t agree. Money is the equivalent of the value a person or organization creates.

TOEIC listening, talks: Welcome speech

Money is simply a piece of paper that we give value to. An object is only what we make of it. So, some people might use money for evil, while others will use money for good.

That being said, I believe this saying stems from the Bible, and possibly as well in other cultures from long ago. The Bible itself has a saying that goes “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”. It says further “Which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

Yeah, that’s true to some extent. If it wasn’t for the money, many people would not do the terrible things they do. I guess some do them simply because they need money and others do them just because they want more and more of it.

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Great topic, which I wanted speaking about it so many times.
But unfortuantly it is not the right topic for beginner like me, who want learn english.

“Is money the root of all evil?”
I would say yes about this sentence, because it is almost everywhere same.
For many many matters, money is the start or the end of the problems. And only money have such a strong power to change people.

The question which sometime I ask myself is, where will it end?
We where never so depend of money, as now.
People get crazy. Depression everywhere.
Rich people get richer, poor people get poorer

its difficult to find the right word in english, therefore I opened never such a topic.


The Biblical expression is, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” According to that, money itself is not evil, but loving it is. Money itself is a good, necessary tool, and far superior to the system people used before money existed. However, placing money above morality is evil.

Most people think this means that it’s evil to be rich and greedy. However, I also see situations where people of more modest means compromise their morality for the sake of their jobs. Many university professors do this. So both rich and poor people can evilly subjugate themselves to money.

Thank you very much for your kind, interesting thoughts and comments which I appreciate very much.
Originally money is a useful means of transactions. Basically good. But when it is in the wrong hands of evil people it’s become evil. Like the nuclear power. But, today money seems to be happier in the wrong hands. Oh dear…
Even money biases.

kind regards.

In the US we say, “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” Similarly, “Money isn’t evil. People are evil.”

And if you go to court and watch the trials, or watch American court cases on TV, you soon find that just as much evil is caused by people not having money as is caused by people having lots of money – maybe more.

Exploitation is a fact to think in this case. I think.
kind regards.

People are evil because of money. When people start chasing money like mad and go far beyond their needs to roll in pools of money, thats when trouble begins. One evil leads to another and its not long before it spreads like a wild fire.
Take for instance the smugglers and drug dealers they start at low and within days they are millionares and trillioners and those who are victims end up causing more trouble. Its like a cycle of evil.

People are definitely evil for many reasons other than money. And there is ample proof in many countries, including the US, that having lots of money doesn’t necessarily corrupt people. Walk around poor communities, and you’re liable to find plenty of evil that you don’t find among the rich. I’ve seen it.

People can be evil because of jealousy that has nothing to do with money. They can also be evil because of sex. They can become evil because they want attention from people who are not paying attention to them. They can become evil over sports. People who are evil find all kinds of outlet for their malice that have nothing at all to do with money.

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I am convinced :wink: that conviction is the root of all evil, not an object.
Objects are just the tools to enforce one’s conviction.

The need for power is in all of us in some way or another. Money is a tool to gain power. Jealousy, rape, and doing something terrible to get attention is the abnormal and vicious way of attaining or showing power. Sports can become a religion to some people, another example of conviction.


All this talk about money and evil just brought to mind this mathematical joke:

Proposition: women are evil.

  1. women demand money and time => women=money*time
  2. time is money => women= money*money=money^2
  3. money is the root of all evil => women=(square root(evil))^2=evil.

But the Bible doesn’t say money is the root of all evil. It says the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. So by your formula it would be the love of women that’s behind the problem.

Yeah, if we stick to the wording found in the Bible, then my proof falls short.
But I didn’t come up with this proof, it was ‘discovered’ by somebody long before I found it on the internet.

I wonder how that guy who thinks all evil is caused by money imagines that money is involved in child molestation or similar crimes.

There’s a German personal finance author who claims that lack of money causes more evil than money does. When watching court cases on American TV, I started to agree. However, I then realized that most of these defendants doing evil because they lack money don’t have money because they lack any useful skill. So now I think that lack of skills is one of the primary causes of evil.

I was just reading a book about marriage, in which the author claims that, according to statistics, marriages are most likely to break up if the people have very little money, or if they have huge masses of money. The book claims that some marriages get along fine until the couple’s income and assets mushroom, and then trouble starts. Personally, I think the divorces among low-income people are partly caused by the government, because Uncle Sam will make financial assistance more available if the woman gets rid of her husband.

Money’s always been a good friend to me for 53 years since I’ve never had enough money in my pocket. You know, when they know I have enough money in my pocket everybody say Yes to me. Even my mother in law.
And I love it. Oh dear…

kind regards.


I guess that the root of all evil is a human being and nothing more.

I believe so, in many cases.

kind regards.

Jamie K why don’t you think money is not influencing evil in poor? I mean if you think of it, if you are poor to such a rate that you don’t have a loaf of bread, won’t you steal it? How many people rob to full fill their house, just because they have been neglected, starved, not been given education to make a future for themselves?

But I do agree with you regarding other things you mentioned.
My point was the same that too much love and greed for money is cause of evil.