Is Get better short for

:blossom: In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. :blossom:




A: Would you like anything for your stomach?

B: I took something earlier.

A: Get better.

B: Thanks a lot.

1- Is “Get better” short for “I hope you get better”?

2- Is “stomach” short for “stomach ache” here?

Thank you


Yes, or no, or maybe.
Strictly speaking it’s a command, as if “A” would make a decision as to whether or not they should get better. I think it actually carries along the ideas of “take care of yourself” and “I hope you get better”.

I do think this line needs some transition or acknowledgment of the line before. It seems like an abrupt change. Something simple like this:

B: I took something earlier.
A: Well, Get better.

2- Is “stomach ” short for “stomach ache ” here?
It’s referring to some sort of stomach problem. Maybe an ache or queasiness or something.


Thank you so much, Arinker :rose:
Very nice.

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Maybe Rzf should ask a surgeon. Do you happen to know of one?