Is detailed description of crimes in the media good?

Kits,I correct this essay according to your suggession. Please help me to revise it again, thanks a lot.You help was greatly appreciated

Detailed description of crimes in the media leads to negative consequences in society so this kind of information should be limited. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Despite the fact that no one want to become victims of crimes, people are always attracted by the astonishing news of the crimes. However, some people deem that some media organizations overly focus on the detailed description of crimes which would leave negative impression on people. As far as I am concerned, although there are some evidences supporting their view, the advantages of these media reports should not be neglected.

To begin with, people can take precautions against crime. For example, provided that there is a house which is burgled and the media give a detailed reporting about how the robbers broke the door. As a result, people would add some insurance against the burglars. Furthermore, people would increase their safety awareness. If there are series of robberies in the alley at night, people who are warned by the media would stay at home or walk in the alley with friends at night. So this kind of reports can bring some benefits to prevent crimes.

However, it does not mean that the disadvantages of these reports can be ignored. Some news reporting which focus on the violent and frightening details of crimes would scare normal people. Consequently, most of parents would not let their children play in the street. And people could not focus on their work because they worry about the safety of their family. Hence the excessively scare details of crimes should be omitted by the media reports.

From the discussion above, we can draw a safely conclusion that the detailed reports of crime sometimes would cause a panic, yet they are also useful in increasing people’s safety awareness and should be considered as important ways for preventing the potential offences.

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture in social science class

Detailed description of crimes in the media leads to negative consequences in society, so this kind of information should be limited. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Despite the fact that no one want to become victims of crimes, people are always attracted by the astonishing news of crimes. However, some people deem that some media organizations overly focus on the detailed description of crimes, which would leave negative impressions on people. As far as I am concerned, although there are some evidences supporting their view, the advantages of these media reports should not be neglected.

To begin with, people can take precautions against crime. For example, provided that there is a house which is burgled and the media give a detailed reporting about how the robbers broke the door. As a result, people would add some extra protection against the burglars. Furthermore, people would increase their safety awareness. If there are series of robberies in the alley at night, people who are warned by the media would stay at home or only walk in the alley with friends at night. So these kind of reports can bring some benefits toward preventing crimes.

However, it does not mean that the disadvantages of these reports can be ignored. Some news reporting which focuses on the violent and frightening details of crimes would scare normal people. Consequently, most parents would not let their children play in the street, and people could not focus on their work because they worry about the safety of their family. Hence the excessively scary details of crimes should be omitted by the media reports.

From the discussion above, we can safely conclude that the detailed reports of crime sometimes cause panic, yet they are also useful in increasing people’s safety awareness and should be considered as important ways for preventing the potential offences.

Very good work L.

Kitos. 9/10

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture in social science class

Kitos.I am ever so much obliged to you for your help