Is 'climb up my lemon tree' an idiom?

Is the phrase “climb up my lemon tree” an idiom or was it just coined by Billy Idol? The meaning is pretty clear from his lyrics below but I wonder if the phrase is used by anyone in addition to Mr William Michael Albert Broad?

You can fill my cup
You can fill my bowl
This train is ready to roll
Your eyes of fire
Have stole my soul
Still coming back for more
You are the lock
I am the key
Climb up my lemon tree
You are the one
You’re on your knees
You are my little queen
You know just what I mean
Climb up my lemon tree[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Giving an opening speech to the National Tennis Championship Tournament[YSaerTTEW443543]

Almost all of the lyrics in the song ‘Scream’ are metaphors for aspects of the act of sexual intercourse.
I think you’ve slightly misheard the phrase as what he actually sings is ‘Climb up on my lemon tree’… I suspect you’ll be able to work out what he means by that, as I think it’s fairly obvious!

I don’t think it’s a standard idiom though.