_______________ is a mobile cellular standard that provides faster download and upload speeds


_______________ is a mobile cellular standard that provides faster download and upload speeds. (*) TGE (*) ETL (*) LTE (*) GTE

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/23159,___-is-a-mobile-cellular-standard-that-provides-faster-download-and-upload-speeds/

It’s LTE which stands for Long Term Evolution and is 4G. With 4G you typically reach download speeds of 12 to 30 Mbps. Unfortunately, LTE coverage in Germany is horrible. We are at the third-last place in Europe. While the Chinese have already been rolling out their 5G strategy we haven’t even fully embraced 4G. We are a backward analog nation of the past.

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ETL is a mobile cellular standard that provides faster download and upload speeds.