Introducing myself: My name is Blaise and I live in Canada precesely in Quebec...

Hi all of you,

My name is Blaise and I live in Canada precesely in Quebec province. I am looking forward to communicate with everyone who is interested in order to improuve my English skills.

Thank you everbody and I hope to talk to you soon.

Hi Blaise ! :lol:

My name is nassim, I am from Algeria, I am 33 and married, I have one lovely child whose name is Idir, he is 2…

I got 613 in TOEFL test last year…I am planning to ,immigrate to Canada, especially to the Anglosaxone region… I do like English very much!

I am a quality Assurance Manager in Nestlé Waters…we produce a Spring water in PET bottles…

Nice to meet you & very happy to help you improve your

It’s a good community for exchanging experiences in learning.Enjoy your stay here.