Into northern Ontario, looking at very pleasant condition.
Thanks to the high pressures zone that centered near the
Musni area. And this has reached towards southwest through the thunder. Bay area reported sunny and 28.
I have three questions:
1- What does “Into northern Ontario” mean?
2- What does “looking at very pleasant condition” mean?
Does it mean “I am looking at very pleasant condition”?
3- What does “Thanks to” mean?
Thank you
Video link:
“Into northern Ontario, looking at very pleasant condition.
Thanks to the high pressures zone that centered near the
Musni area. And this has reached towards southwest through the thunder. Bay area reported sunny and 28.”
As we’ve seen before, the transcription is a bit off. The period after “condition” should be a comma and there should not be a period between thunder and Bay. And though it’s almost imperceptible, I believe he says “conditions”
The speaker seems to be a weather scientist trying to give us the facts in a very limited time.
So this could be read as:
“As we look at Northern Ontario, we see they are having very pleasant conditions as a result of the high pressure zone that centered near the Musni area. This has reached towards the southwest through the Thunder Bay area
Thank you so much, Arinker
I think " Moosonee" is correct.
Moosonee is a town in northern Ontario, Canada, on the Moose River approximately 19 km (12 mi) south of James Bay.
… This has reached towards the southwest through the Thunder Bay area reporting sunny and 28.
I have one more question:
Where is sunny and 28?
Even though there is no map, he’s “moving around the map” and reporting on different locations. “Into Ontario” strongly implies that a different location was mentioned before the video started. So the report is moving to a new location.
Notice the prepositions.
In vs into - “Into” shows movement from one place “into” a different place.
“Through” Thunder Bay also shows movement.
The difference between the above two is that the first one means that he is reporting on a new location, while the second one refers to the weather system itself moving through a new area.
“reporting sunny and 28” refers to Thunder Bay. Although it is somewhat non-specific. Thunder Bay is the name of a city and a fairly large bay. The report implies that it means the general area around the bay, not specifically the city.
Thank you so much, NearlyNapping
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