integrated essay

The reading passage describes causes of the great fire in Yellowstone National Park, and determined it as seriouly and unrecoverably damaged. On the other hand, the lecturer disagrees with this statement and refutes all the points described by the author.

Firstly, the written article argued that the most part of this park and vegetation has been destroyed and also the author mentioned this an unrepairable ecosystem, while the lecturer points out the benefits of this devastation. She hypothesized that much of dead materials have been buried in the ground, which makes the soil richer. Besides, perishment of trees enables the sunlight pass through ground more easily. Both these factors help to establish vegetation again and it helps to accelerate the recover of park.

Secondly, the author informed that masses ofanimals were eliminated as a result of this fire, which is acceptable by the speaker, however, she believes that there are new species found in Yellowstone National Park, such as rabbit, which were rare there before the incidents.

Finally, the reading passage told that decrease in number of visitors is related with this fire and according to the author the park has lost its prominence permanently, however, the lecturer thinks this view is too exagerrated. She mentiones that economic crysis is the main reason to the decline of tourists, also from according to her other touristic places aren’t in abundance of visitors, which shows that this deterioration is realated to the financial status of people.
Hello Kitos, thanks

TOEFL listening lectures: A lecture by a professor of Fine Arts

The reading passage describes causes of the great fire in Yellowstone National Park, and determined it as seriously and irrecoverably damaged. On the other hand, the lecturer disagrees with this statement and refutes all the points made by the author.

Firstly, the written article argued that the biggest part of this park and vegetation has been destroyed, and also the author mentioned this an irrepairable ecosystem, while the lecturer points out the benefits of this devastation. She hypothesized that much of the dead materials have been carbonised and buried in the ground, which makes the soil richer. Besides, the removal of trees enables the sunlight to pass through to the ground more easily. Both these factors help to establish vegetation again and it helps to accelerate the recovery of the park.

Secondly, the author informed that masses of animals were eliminated as a result of this fire, which is acceptable to the speaker. However, she believes that there are new species now being found in Yellowstone National Park in the aftermath of the fire, such as rhinoceroses, which were never seen there before the incidents.

Finally, the reading passage told that the decrease in number of visitors is related with this fire, and according to the author, the park has lost its prominence permanently. However, the lecturer thinks this view is too exaggerated. She mentions that the economic crisis is the main reason to the decline of tourists. Also, according to her, other touristic places aren’t enjoying an abundance of visitors either, which shows that this deterioration is directly related to the financial status of people.
Well done Altunshukurlu. Please excuse my warped sense of humour.

Kitos. 8.5/10

The reading passage describes causes of the great fire in Yellowstone National Park, and determined it as seriouly and unrecoverablyirrevocably(that word was used in the reading passage, therefore i wanted to use the synonym) damaged. On the other hand, the lecturer disagrees with this statement and refutes all the points describedmade by the author.

Firstly, the written article argued that the mostbiggest part of this park and vegetation has been destroyed and also the author mentioned this an unrepairable ecosystem, while the lecturer points out the benefits of this devastation. She hypothesized that much of dead materials have been buried in the ground, which makes the soil richer. Besides, perishmentthe removal of trees enables the sunlight pass through to the ground more easily. Both these factors help to establish vegetation again and it helps to accelerate the recover of park.

Secondly, the author informed that masses of animals were eliminated as a result of this fire, which is acceptable to the speaker, however, she believes that there are new species now being found in Yellowstone National Park, such as rabbitrhinoceroses, which were rare never seen (but according to the lecturer they were seen, but sometimes :slight_smile: ) there before the incidents.

Finally, the reading passage told that decrease in number of visitors is related with this fire and according to the author the park has lost its prominence permanently, however, the lecturer thinks this view is too exagerrated. She mentiones that economic crysis is the main reason to the decline of tourists, also from according to her other touristic places aren’t enjoying an abundance of visitors either, which shows that this deterioration is realated to the financial status of people.
thanks Kitos,