In vs.during

What’s the difference between in and during when used with a time expression?

You need a dictionary this time again and a little effort to use it before asking others to help you with an able-to-help-yourself issue. You will be always welcome if you don’t use up the welcome. However,

Throughout the course or duration of: suffered food shortages during the war.
At some time in: was born during a blizzard.

Within the limits, bounds, or area of:
was hit in the face; born in the spring; a chair in the garden.
From the outside to a point within; into:
threw the letter in the wastebasket.
To or at a situation or condition of:
was split in two; in debt; a woman in love.
Having the activity, occupation, or function of:
a life in politics; the officer in command.
During the act or process of:
tripped in racing for the bus.
With the arrangement or order of:
fabric that fell in luxuriant folds; arranged to purchase the car in equal payments.
After the style or form of:
a poem in iambic pentameter.
With the characteristic, attribute, or property of:
a tall man in an overcoat.
By means of:
paid in cash.
Made with or through the medium of:
a statue in bronze; a note written in German.
With the aim or purpose of:
followed in pursuit.
With reference to:
six inches in depth; has faith in your judgment.
Used to indicate the second and larger term of a ratio or proportion:
saved only one in ten.

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