In Honour of HIM!

In the first look, you may think I am writing to cherish a lost beloved one. If yes, I am afraid that it is not true!

Many of you guys do not know me, and many may even do not remember me. But there are a number of people in this cosy place who I remember very well. And amongst all, there is this especial person who inspired me in life since I know him. I do not want to name him, but I am sure he knows who I am talking about.

It was exactly one year ago, when I was a beginner just like most of you and I decided to start here in this place because I was feeling so lost in life. With my poor English, I wrote an essay and asked for correction. Shortly, I received my answer, not a good one though an encouraging one. Soon, I tried to follow his commentary to improve my writing but then I realised I am not just following those comments, rather following his manner.

Just like a teacher he helped me to improve, he took my hand like a friend and he encouraged me like a brother. And when I was prepared to say goodbye, I knew that he will live forever in my heart. Now, every time I talk with someone and they praise my English, his memory is the only thing starts to shine in my heart.

It is been a year since I left this place. Now, it seems many things have changed here but except one thing and that is life! I hope wherever you are, god bless you!

TOEFL listening lectures: To which entertainment does the lecturer not relate Greek drama?

He pops in from time to time, Mixmixi.
I’m sure he’ll appreciate your message… and I know many other learners would add their thanks.

LOL, Thanks Bees. Why he is not here anymore?

Other things became a priority. He’s sadly missed here, but take a look at this thread… you’ll find an e-mail address if you want to drop him a line. … tml#338294

Hi mixmixi
I have not been here for seven months or more and I remember you. Also I perfectly know who is the person you are talking about. He helped us a lot and I miss him very much. I have learnt a lot with him. I would like he comes to the forum again because he was our teacher.

Hi Lighgun,

I remember you too my friend. Since I heard the news, I dropped him emails but haven’t received an answer yet. I hope he is fine! I missed him so much too, and more than that I feel guilty why I left the a good friend behind. :frowning: