Improve English

Hallo to everybody,

This is my first time here!!

I am from Italy and now, for the very first time in my life, I have to use english for my job: it’s good for me but I am quite afraid of it. I mean when you speak with a friend you are very relaxed, but when you have to discuss for business with somebody that could become your “enemy”… it is so different; I think it depends also on my nature: I am quite shy.

So for these reasons I would like to know what are, in your opinion, the best way to improve my english (spoken firstly)… I know it is a repetitive question but…

Looking forward to your answers.

Kind regards

Dear Albert, Hello and Bon Jorno. You have asked a very interesting question - how to improve your English, especially your oral skills.
Well, I guess you know the answer too. The best or rather the only way to improve your spoken English is to speak English. It’s as simple as that. OK, I know what your are saying: ‘What if I don’t have anybody to talk with in English?’ Why don’t you take a dialogue and read it aloud to yourself? Have you ever tried it? You really should.
Do you have a microphone and a soundcard plugged into your computer? You probably do. So, why don’t you record yourself and listen to it afterwards? This is a very effective method.
I don’t know what city in Italy you are from but I guess that there are people from the UK; the US, Ireland or any other English speaking country. Find out where they meet in their free time. If it’s a pub or a sports facility you can go there and join them. Take it step by step and I’m sure you can make new friends - they will make it easy for you to practise your English.
Let’s see what other forum members have to say…[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: On the lake[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello albert!
To practice your speaking ability, I think following a standard English conversation tape and repeatedly read it out in a corner would be a good method to improve your fluency.

Tell me what you think.


Hi Albert!
I’m Claudia and I’m from Italy too!
I can imagine how hard it is to try to improve your English alone, but if you really have to, than I think you should try to do it enjoying yourself as much as you can. So, for example, you may take videotapes in English, or, better if you had a dvd player: you may listen in English with Italian subtitels (or listen in Italian with English subt): I do it too!
Moreover, since I like listening to music very much, I usually look for the lyrics in the net, and I have the chance to learn always new words.
Well, I hope my suggestions have been useful!
'bye 'bye!

Hey you two Italians, I find it fascinating that you are exhanging learning experiences in English so that others whose mother tongue is not Italian can follow and participate. Well, I understand that this what this forum is all about but then again it’s great I guess.
Claudia, as for your suggestions, I too often watch DVD’s in the original version using English subtitles. It has helped me improve my listening comprehension greatly. I also watch CNN when I get a chance.

Hi Albert,

I am from Germany and our course ends at the 21st of November. We had the same question in our course. What can we do after it, to improve our English.

We do have some clubs here in Bonn. For example the Oxfordclub. There are some nativspeakers and other people who meet each other once or twice a month to speak English.

Another student of our class told us, that at the university are also some groups trying to speak other languages, e. g. English.

Is it possible that are some similar clubs where you are living? I think that would be the best way to improve our English speaking.

By the way, do not be afraid in speaking with business people English. They may be afraid as you to speak English if it isn’t their native language. I think people whos first language is English are happy to here someone speaking their language and it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake. Be careful and polite, but don’t be afraid.

Best regards
:twisted: teufelchen53

That’s an excellent piece of advice!

The English speaking community probably takes it for granted by now that more and more people speak their language and that they hardly ever need to learn a foreign language themselves. Some may understandably have a blas? attitude about it. However, I’m sure they must somehow appreciate it when you strive to communicate with them in English. Try to imagine how you would feel if this happened with your own language.

i have not studied on line english test for a few months. i receive the email regularly! untill today, i read the mail only. thank you for not giving up on me! its correct that the important thing is how i use my time ! no matter i study english or other things! it depends on me that how i manage my time and complete the goal!