I'm very keen to cut down on the cost of electricity in this house and so please close off all the lights before you go to bed

I'm very keen to cut down on the cost of electricity in this house and so please close off all the lights before you go to bed. (*) cut down (*) close off (*) before

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/24619,im-very-keen-to-ucut-downu-on-the-cost-of-electricity-in-this-house-and-so-please-uclose-offu-all-the-lights-ubeforeu-you-go-to-bed/
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When reading this sentence by @Alan a couple of ideas come to mind. First off, it’s a reminder that we need to introduce Universal Basic Services and secondly, how about using smart home technology that does all the switching on and off for you?


I’m very keen to cut down on the cost of electricity in this house and so please close off all the lights before you go to bed.
So please switch off all the lights, instead of close off all the lights is preferred by myself.