I'm so happy because in the last test I get all of the questions right!

Hi everybody! 8)
I’m so happy because in the last test I get all of the questions right! So I think that I have learned too much! :lol:

My favorite month of the year is December because of the cold weather and I remember clearly which one is Sue’'s favorite… She said that her favorite month is May because of the spring turns into summer…
That’s all… :smiley:
Regards… Car

Congratulations, Krma :slight_smile:

Hi Car,

Thanks a lot for sharing your successes with us. If you like, you can try this test and let me know your results.

Keep up the great work!

TOEIC listening, photographs: A couple dancing[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi every body :wink:
I’ve just discovered this website, and I already had some quiz, I really found this site very helpful. Thank you to all its members.