If, Provided and providing

Does anybody know when and where we should use if, provided and providing? Whats the difference?

I don’t know what do you mean sir

But I can help in contant with messanger hotmail at this: add me hyd1000@hotmail.com

Hi, Thankss for your reply.

I meant that I am not sure when to use: 1- I will buy a car IF I have enough money
2- I will buy a car provided that I have enough money
3- I will buy a car providing I have enough money
Or in same condition and sentences how I should decide which of them is correct?
Do you mean I send email to your hotmail email address?


My understanding is: 'provided/providing (that) ’ suggests a necessary condition, meaning ‘only if’. --But I am not sure. Let’s expect confirmation or correction from native speakers.

‘Provided and providing’ are one and the same. It is normally used in probable conditional clauses.
Providing you have money, you may go in for a luxury car.
‘I will buy a car provided that I have enough money’ ‘I will buy a car, provided I have enough money.’ Even omitting ‘that’ is also found.
'I will buy a car providing I have enough money ’ It is better to inverse the sections. 'Providing I have enough money, I will buy a car.’ For me the latter sounds better, since that insists strongly on the condition for the action.
best of luck nanucbe