IELTS writing task 2- Please give me feedback and estimated Band Score

Computers are often argued to be the most important invention of the last hundred years. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Most people think that computers are the most significant invention for last centuries. I totally agree that computers, which are the most important invention, invented as result of many researces which are made by scientist.
Computers make our daily life easier and more comfortable because of their ability of doing something. For instance, people send messages by email as using computer. Before invention of computer, humans could not do that. They have to give their messages to post office where deliver your messages to person who is reciever your messages.
Also, thanks to computer people can work their own home. For example, majority of people can not go to their office because of pandemi. However, they can work at home as well as communicate their work friends because of computer during this period.
Secondly, education in most countries improved because of invention and using computer. There are computers now most schools in all over the world and this technological device are used by teachers effectively for teaching lessons. Lessons are learned faster and easier by students who have learning difficulties. When we look at the statistics which give information about the education systems, we can see the most intelligent and having most valuable knowledge students are in the developed countries which use computers in schools for teaching lessons effectively.
In conclusion, computers are the most important invention in history of humanity, which make more practical our daily routine as well as improve quality of education in all over the world.


Hi Mehmet, welcome to our forum. When you join a new community it sometimes is a good idea to make the effort and say ‘hello’. I know this is the case in Turkey too.

As for your essay, I’m sure the British Council will be quite impressed and you can score even higher marks if you avoid the spelling errors you make in words like ‘receiver’ and ‘pandemic’ for example.


Thank you sir. I wonder that something, If I would write this essay on writing task 2, which Band Score I will take? What is your guess?


My guess is that the British Council is going to change their rating system due to a number of massive changes going on in our society and economy. So, let’s wait a couple of months to see what impact the global recession is going to have on hierarchical and arbitrary rating systems like IELTS and the like.


I got it sir. What is my score in the current rating system? This is important for my studying.


Only the British Council can answer that question but I would say about 4.5 probably on their current system. You need to work on your reading habits if you want to improve your writing skills.