IELTS Writing Task 2: Natural World

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People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world. What are the reasons for this, and how can people learn more about the natural world?

It is true that there are only few people who have good understanding of the important role of the natural world. This issue can be explained by several reasons and the knowledge of people can be broadened by some practical measures.

There are some justifications explaining why people do not have much knowledge in this field. Firstly, although advances in technology have truly enhanced the quality of life of human beings, they partially contribute to the issue. For example, today children become over-reliant on watching TV, which has an overwhelmingly number of films and advertisements rather than educational programs about the natural world. Secondly, schools have placed much emphasis on science subjects instead of teaching children how vital the nature is. Children are put under enormous pressure to keep up with their studies in class, and they lose the interest in learning about the natural world because they will not get high marks for such efforts.

Some measures should be taken to encourage people to learn more about the natural world. The onus is on schools to create a curriculum which has a balance between subjects relating to natural environment and science subjects. Students with high marks on geography and biology should be rewarded properly while those with low performance on maths or physics should not be considered as failures. In addition, parental involvement plays an integral part in shaping a child’s value. They should create an environment which encourages their children to study about flora and fauna such as buying books about wildlife for them.

In conclusion, there are some known reasons for the fact that people have little understanding about the essential role of the natural world, and this issue could be tackled by some practical solutions.