IELTS essay about abortion ban

dear members, can anyone grade my essay please

Law Banning Abortion
Recently, the issue of abortion has emerged in Poland, which has led to a lot of discussion. The issue was the introduction of a law on the abolition of abortions. At the moment, the adoption of the law was postponed due to the developed coronavirus pandemic. This essay will examine the various aspects of the adoption of this law and the consequences.
To begin with, the positive sides will be considered and why this law was decided to be adopted. The law states that a woman cannot terminate a pregnancy in Poland, but will have to travel to other countries to do so. Acceptance is based on the low birth rate in the country and the religion of the local population. It also does not violate the human rights code, or rather the human right to life. On the contrary, the right to life is considered to be present from the moment of conception. Therefore, it is a common assumption that termination of pregnancy is murder.
On the other hand, there are many times more negative aspects than positive ones. For example, this is a violation of the right to life of a woman in a situation where a fatal outcome is predicted during childbirth. The Polish government has no right to take away a woman’s right to control her body and her life. Also, we do not consider situations when the family is financially unable to carry a child. In this case, the child is most often in an orphanage, which should not happen. In addition, the child may be born disabled and have limited opportunities.
In the sequel, the consequences that were expected will now be considered. The passage of the law led to many protests from women who were put in this difficult position. Statistics on illegal “underground” abortions have increased in the country and the number of children entering orphanages has increased. Also, in 2016, the “Strajk Kobiet” movement was created, which translates as “women’s strike”. Thousands of women took to the streets to fight for their rights. It worked for a while, but the Polish government stands its ground.
In conclusion, such laws do not exist in other developed countries and the appearance of such a law in Poland hinders its development. Confirmation of this statement can be found above, where it is discussed about the negative aspects and consequences.


Hi Sofia, welcome to our forum. Before I comment on your essay’s style and structure let me tell you that I absolutely agree with your view on the issue of abortion. The only person who has the right to decide whether or not she wants a child is the pregnant woman and nobody else. I’m very glad to have you on our forum :wink:


Hi Torsten, thank you for your reply, your opinion is important for me. I am looking forward to your professional comments.


I would be interested in hearing what @Irina_Bol, @Tamar @Sumejja, @Elida and @Andrea have to say on the issue.

Hi Sofia,
Welcome to forum! I’ve been for over 10 years on it and can say that it’s the right website for English learners!
I like your essay. It’s dedicated to a very urgent issue - abortion ban. The introduction of the law tackles upon a subject of human rights protection and women should have the last word in this discussion. To my mind, the public poll could brighten this question.


Hi Irina,
thank you very much for your response.
I am also very interested in getting feedback regarding possible IELTS score: is it good enough for a coherent critical piece of writing?

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Basically, your grammar and wording are okay.
I have just two comments. ‘the developed coronavirus pandemic’ would better be changed to 'the widespread coronavirus pandemic". Also, it’s not clearly what 'the human rights code" is meant: Polish one or something else? Probably, it’s the Declaration of Human Rights Defenders adopted by the UN. Please pay attention to the capitalization when you refer to the official document.
Good luck with IELTS! You definitely deserve the highest score!

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I like your essay. In my opinion, abortion should not be banned. There are all kinds of situations in life. I take abortion pretty seriously and read about it all the time. And I try to find the positives and negatives of these actions. But everyone has to make choices consciously and be responsible for their actions.

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Hi Barbara, I agree that women should have the right to abortion, as is the case in any civilized country. On another subject, how do you think forum spam should be dealt with?

Hi Torsten. Why do you think my message is spam?

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Hi Barbara, the links I have been removing from your posts. You are here to promote commercial services without giving anything in return. That’s my definition of ‘spam’.

it’s not, I’m sharing useful information that can help other users.

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That’s great to hear. Welcome to the forum.

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