I would be honored to

Hello, I am confused to choose the best answer the blank below:

A: Can I get your autograph on this shirt?
B: Sure, ________________.

(1) I would be honored to
(2) I would be honored to sign
(3) I would be honored to do
(4) I would be honored to do it

The answer is (1). If so, I think A should say like this: Can you give me your autograph on this shirt? Then (1) and (3) could be the answer. For now, I think there is no answer for this question among the choices. What do you think?

Thank you in advance,

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I sort of agree with you, but #3 can never be correct - do needs an object here. Sign would sound more natural with an object also - “sign it”. So I am torn between 1 and 4, but I am leaning towards 1.

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TJ, wouldn’t 4 – “I would be honored to do it” – be too long a phrase to qualify as a natural response?

I wonder if one also might write:

I would be honoured to do so.


Yes that is the problem - all the answers are too long. The most natural response is “Sure”, or “Sure, my pleasure”.

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The question sounds odd in the first place. If you want ‘get’, then possibly - Can I get you to sign this shirt? Or simply - Could you sign this shirt? And the answer would be - It would be an honour.