I would advise you to do that as well and in that way you'll kill two birds with one stone

I would advise you to do that as well and in that way you'll kill two birds with one stone. (*) get things done twice (*) get something done two times (*) get two things done at the same time (*) get two things done twice

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/23262,i-would-advise-you-to-do-that-as-well-and-in-that-way-youll-ukill-two-birds-with-one-stoneu/

The interesting thing about this idiom is that it exists in several languages, for example, Russian and German. However, the Russians kill two rabbits with one shot, while the Germans kill only two birds with one stone. Does this mean that the Russians are more brutal than the Germans and the British?


I would advise you to do that as well and in that way you’ll kill two birds with one stone.
get two things done at the same time

I think that killing is killing and the matter is not different, whether that is killing a rabbit or killing a bird, both of them are living creatures.


It means to get two things done at the same time as Mona said.
The Dutch equivalent is ‘Twee vliegen in een klap slaan’
One of the French equivalents is ‘Frapper deux coups en une seule pierre.’


Hello Masme,

You are lucky. You are perfect in both Dutch and French.


Hi Mona,
Thank you for your reply, but I wouldn’t say I speak English, Dutch, French and German ‘perfectly’. You see, learning or getting to know every single fine point of any language is impossible. That’s why I’m still thinking a lot about sentence constructions, etc. of the languages that I speak.
Besides I have never met the perfect human being, have you? If you have I would very much like to meet them. We all make mistakes, no matter what language we speak.
I know you mean well, but I simply hate the word ‘perfect’. Moreover, show me someone who has never made a mistake and then I’ll show you someone who has never lived properly.

Kind regards,


So you try to learn something from everything and then you try to master what you have learned as much as possible. You are wise.


Yes, indeed. That’s how do it.


It gives me pleasure to know that. I always mean well and for ever.

Many thanks