"I won't be able to make it to the show tonight. I got called into work unexpectedly. Don't worry, though. You remember Tommy right? Well, I have arranged him to pinch-..... for me tonight so you guys won't be missing a guitar player. He knows all the songs and he has played with you before. I wish there was a way for me to make it," Jay said to Frank.

"I won't be able to make it to the show tonight. I got called into work unexpectedly. Don't worry, though. You remember Tommy right? Well, I have arranged him to pinch-..... for me tonight so you guys won't be missing a guitar player. He knows all the songs and he has played with you before. I wish there was a way for me to make it," Jay said to Frank. (*) catch (*) pitch (*) hit (*) punch

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14714,i-wont-be-able-to-make-it-to-the-show-tonight-i-got-called-into-work-unexpectedly-dont-worry-though-you-remember-tommy-right-well-i-have-arranged-him-to-pinch-___-for-me-tonight-so-you-guys-wont-be-missing-a-guitar-player-he-knows-all-the-songs-and-he-has-played-with-you-before-i-wish-there-was-a-way-for-me-to-make-it-jay-said-to-frank/