I should use "some" instead of "any"

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #99 [color=blue]“a, some or any”, question 8

Is there orange juice left in the fridge?

(a) a
(b) some
(c) any

English Grammar Tests, Elementary Level

ESL/EFL Test #99 [color=blue]“a, some or any”, answer 8

Is there any orange juice left in the fridge?

Correct answer: (c) any

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
Is there some orange juice left in the fridge?

Why is my answer incorrect?
When I expect a positive answer to my question I should use “some” instead of “any”.


Some is used in questions where we are sure about the answer eg. Is there some orange juice left in the fridge? (means I think there is).

Hope this helps,


Or explained another way:

You should use ‘any’ for most questions and negative sentences. (Also in “if-sentences”)

‘Some’ is used in postive sentences.
