"I respect a lot of lawyers but not Eddie Crankenborkel. He is a ..... who makes his money off of exploiting others' sorrows. He never does anything for anyone for less than $500 an hour," Zack told Melissa.

"I respect a lot of lawyers but not Eddie Crankenborkel. He is a ..... who makes his money off of exploiting others' sorrows. He never does anything for anyone for less than $500 an hour," Zack told Melissa. (*) worm (*) wombat (*) wand (*) winner

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/15112,i-respect-a-lot-of-lawyers-but-not-eddie-crankenborkel-he-is-a-___-who-makes-his-money-off-of-exploiting-others-sorrows-he-never-does-anything-for-anyone-for-less-than-500-an-hour-zack-told-melissa/