I need your help

Hello Bez,

As I didn’t look up the word of collowuial I thought it would be a typo, isn’t it?
I thought you wanted to write colloquial. Am I right?


You’re right and I’m about to correct the original. Thanks.

Many thanks Bez,

This typo for a native can be evident that’s a typo, as later, after writing my letter to you, I saw the key-board and I saw the letters q and w are next to each other. But when I read your letter I believed that this is a new word and I began to look up. I am explaining myself but I wouldn’t like if you believed I am a petty-minded. I don’t want to avoid a new misunderstanding.



Dear Bez,

I’ve spoke too soon, there are three pieces of Spam from the same person.
english-test.net/forum/viewt … 670#440670
english-test.net/forum/viewt … 654#440654
english-test.net/forum/viewt … 660#440660


Only three, Kati?
By the time I logged on there seemed to be more like 30. I got rid of them as soon as I was able.

Hello Bez,

You’ve made me laugh with this ‘only three’. This laugh was good for me. This day wasn’t my day. But next time I would be happier if you make me laugh with something else. I am superstitious and I cant dare to write the word of which the first letter is S and the last is M and altogether 4 letter.

Many thanks:

Hello Bez,

This is even a small one. Will you see it?
english-test.net/forum/viewt … 069#441069


Yes, I saw it… along with two very big ones.

Hello Bez,

You remind me the Danaids who carrying water in a sieve or perforated device.Sorry for my association.

The Danaides (1903), a Pre-Raphaelite interpretation by John William Waterhouse

Many, many thanks:

Hello Bez,

I learned now this expression:
the futility of a repetitive task

I can say this about my learning English. When I see a dictionary and I know every expression in Hungarian, I always have this feeling. I do it every day but I know that I won’t be able to finish it.


Yes, I’ve just logged back on and see that there is more there waiting for the axe. I’m about to get it sorted.

Hello Bez,

If you have a little time could you please to translate your letter into common English. I read it several times but I am unable to understand them:
1…there is more there waiting for the axe.
2.I am about to get it sorted.

Are these idioms? I couldn’t find them.

Many thanks:

At last I understand the second: that you have solved the problem.
get sth sorted = solve sth
If it is true then the other could mean that by the time when you have been logged back you have found more S…M waiting for your axe? To cut them.
Is my reasoning okay?


That’s right.

I might also have said ‘waiting for the chop’. It would mean the same thing… to chop them away, to cut them out (to get rid of them).

Hello Bez,

I can understand you. If you can’t swear like a trooper you can express with these words your feelings. And you gave me a good English lesson. Many thanks.


Hello Bez ,

You are not only one of the Danaids but one of the Amazons. They are learned the art of war than them.
some of your expressions:
-" ‘Adventure’ was axed when I saw them.

  • Unfortunately I couldn’t get at the guest.
  • When I had logged back there were more there waiting for the axe.
  • I am about get it (them) sorted.
  • They are waiting for my chop.
  • I am chopped them out. (I got rid of them.)


Amazon preparing for a battle


It would be greatly appreciated if someone could correct my story.:slight_smile:

Mia’s father had a lab. He has been working in the lab. Mia liked to know what he was doing there. But her father never let her and always locked the lab’s door. One night Mia approached the lab’s door. Suddenly she heard a loud noise as an evil laugh. She was afraid and started to run away. The next night her friend, Lize, came to her home. They decided to go to the lab. When they arrived to the lab, they heard that loud noise again. Mia shouted for help. Mia’s father ran into the lab. They told him there was a monster. He laughed and showed to Mia a pretty doll that was making the noise and told them that he made it for her birthday.

Whats the difference between these twos ?

(1) he is funny

(2) he is kind of funny

Using ‘kind of’ indicates that he is not as completely funny as (1) indicates, but he is funny in some way.