I like to watch tennis on television. It is ......... very good game

I like to watch tennis on television. It is ......... very good game. (*) a (*) an (*) the (*) any

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/2108,i-like-to-watch-tennis-on-television-it-is-___-very-good-game/
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Even better than watching tennis on TV is actively playing it yourself. Provided that you can afford this luxury.

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Tennis is one of the cheapest sports there is. There are plenty of courts where you can play for free - or least there are in the US. I know of two within about 15-20 minutes walk from where I live, and a couple more within about a 15 minute drive. Other than that, all you need is a cheap racket and a ball. OK, you need some to play with.

I’ve only played a little tennis myself - enough that I could hit the ball most of the time and usually get it over the net. It’s great cardio exercise. It can also be played at an older age. I have a neighbor who played well into his 80s.