I guess, point of view also fits here, doesnt it?

English Grammar Error, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #17 [color=blue]“Christmas is coming”, question 7

A: If you want my view I can’t see that’s really anything to worry about at all.

(a) view
(b) anything
(c) about

English Grammar Error, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #17 [color=blue]“Christmas is coming”, answer 7

A: If you want my opinion I can’t see that’s really anything to worry about at all.

Correct entry: opinion
The error was: (a) view

You have [color=green]found the error but your entry is [color=red]incorrect.
A: If you want my point of view I can’t see that’s really anything to worry about at all.

I guess, point of view also fits here, doesnt it?



Here’s my opinion:

The best and most natural word for the test sentence is ‘opinion’.

That said, I’m also reluctant to say that the word ‘view’ is completely wrong. However, the word ‘view’ would be perhaps more typical in a phrase such as “in my view”. And ‘point of view’ is typically preceded by the word ‘from’.