I guess I should just resign ..... to fate and join the army. My father and my best friend have been urging me to, and now I've got myself into legal trouble, and the judge said I could either go to jail or enlist.

I guess I should just resign ..... to fate and join the army. My father and my best friend have been urging me to, and now I've got myself into legal trouble, and the judge said I could either go to jail or enlist. (*) myself (*) my soul (*) my job (*) my hopes

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/16035,i-guess-i-should-just-resign-___-to-fate-and-join-the-army-my-father-and-my-best-friend-have-been-urging-me-to-and-now-ive-got-myself-into-legal-trouble-and-the-judge-said-i-could-either-go-to-jail-or-enlist/