"I am surprised that Shelly was willing to compromise. She usually doesn't give any ..... unless she is forced to by the boss," Mike said to Marcie

"I am surprised that Shelly was willing to compromise. She usually doesn't give any ..... unless she is forced to by the boss," Mike said to Marcie. (*) sway (*) patch (*) dirt (*) ground

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/13838,i-am-surprised-that-shelly-was-willing-to-compromise-she-usually-doesnt-give-any-___-unless-she-is-forced-to-by-the-boss-mike-said-to-marcie/
  • “I am surprised that Shelly was willing to compromise. She usually doesn’t give any ground unless she is forced to by the boss,” Mike said to Marcie.